What can you do with 1 kWh this summer?

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  • Kilowatt-hours (kWh) are on your electric bill every month. It's actually how you are charged. The average U.S. household uses around 11,000 kWh a year. So what exactly can you do with 1 kWh this summer?

  • Blend 200 smoothies.

    You want berries? Of course, you do. Bananas? Why not? How about some kale? OK, OK. We'll save that for one of the other 199.

  • Binge-watch four episodes of your favorite sitcom.

    Taking into account the TV, your streaming device and the power for the wireless connection, you can get about 100 minutes worth of entertainment.

  • Relax by a peaceful fountain for a week.

    In reality, it's 6 days, 22 hours and 40 minutes, but you'll be so calm sitting next to your trickling fountain that you'll barely notice that last hour and 20 minutes.

  • Microwave 21 frozen burritos.

    It's summer, so who wants to turn the oven on? At about 2 minutes per burrito, you can microwave 21 frozen burritos for just 1 kWh. Whether you choose to eat them all at once is up to you and your stomach.

  • Trim 3 miles of weeds.

    That's right. Find yourself a very long extension cord and trimmer and trim your way into the next school district. That sounds exhausting. Use your next kWh to treat yourself. Maybe you could...

  • Make 60 quarts of ice cream.

    You can make enough to keep everyone happy. Technically, it's 30 2-quart batches at about 30 minutes a batch, but that's still a lot of flavors. You could do chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, mint, mint chocolate chip... you get the idea.

  • Stay 4 degrees cooler from dawn to dusk.

    Moving air from a ceiling fan makes you feel, on average, 4 degrees cooler. Even cooler is that a single kWh can keep that fan spinning for 14 hours.

  • How will you use your kWh?

    Now that you have some idea what you can get with a kWh, why not find ways to use them more wisely?